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发表于 2017-4-21 14:48:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
c: 幼儿三册教材分析
Unit 1
口语This is peter. Nice to meet you. Where are you from? I’m fromCanada.
重、难点:介绍别人,I’m from____.   Canada
1. T: This is ____. (将班上同学都介绍一遍,大量输入) Ss: guess meaning
2. this纠音  找小镜子提示咬舌尖    This is-make smooth reading
3.小朋友介绍自己的好朋友输出:this is ____. (dragon)
4.review: Nice to meet you. Same here.     sing the song
5.通过事先准备好的国旗,输入国名,可扩充(China   Japan   Canada)
6.国名的学习Canada(分音节) fast reaction(操练)
7.T: act(有代表的性的动作)输入I’m from____.
8.纠音from I’m from I’m from____.
课文: There is a shepherd boy. He lives in a small village. He herds hissheep all day.
重、难点:shepherd  village   herds  sheep   all day
2.boy-girl (fast reaction)  shepherd(分音节进行操练)
3.Ss: make sentences There is a ____.
4.review: Look, fat mice! They live in a house.过渡到He lives in a smallvillage.
  small- bigfast reaction village(分音节操练)
5.all day(借助简笔画,sun-moon)   songbaby’s wearing a blue coat
6.herds(常规方法纠音操练) make sentences: He herds his ____ all day.
1.加羊,T: How many sheep?  Ss:answer  输入操练He herds his sheep all day.
Unit 2
口语Hi, Peter. Where do you live? I live in Beijing, China.
重、难点:I live in ____.    China
1.借助地图China  了解Beijing   Henan……
2.将老师自己的相片贴在河南省内,输入I live in Henan, China. Ss: guess meaning
3.T: ask   Ss: answer
课文I am so bored.  Nobody playswith me. Woo! woo! Don’t be careless.
重、难点:bored   Nobody plays withme.  careless
1.happy  sad  bored…..(review some adj.)
2.纠音操练bored so bored I am so bored.
3.I will sing a song for you. Who will sing with me? ___ singswith me.
  ___ dances with me.  ___ plays with me. Nobody plays with me.
4.纠音操练nobody(分音节)→ plays with me Nobody plays with me.
5.情景设计:过马路be careful-don’t be careless  Ss: guess meaning
7.role play    1S-boy   1S-sheep  1S-wolf
1.加小人,输入操练I am so bored. Nobody plays with me…..One(two, three…) boy playswith me.
2.过马路的小人,输入操练Don’t be careless
3.加小人,输入操练Where do you live?  I livein (Henan, Hunan……), China.
口语et’s play ball. That will be fun. Get ready? Go! One, two,three! Great!
重、难点:play ball    That will befun.  Great!
1.T: take out a ball and say: what’s this?  study: ball
2.T: Let’s play ball. Ok?  Ss: Ok./ No. (输入Let’s play ball.
3.纠音操练play ball Let’s play ball.
4.S: Let’s play ball.  T:That will be fun.(情表)  Ss: guess meaning
5.纠音操练fun That will be fun.
6.T: Let’s play ball.   S:That will be fun.   T: Get ready?Go!   S: play ball
  T: Let’s count. One, two,three….. How many?   Ss: answer  T: Great! Good!…
7.T: Let’s skip rope.   Ss:That will be fun.  T: Who can try?  Get ready? Go!
  Ss: One, two,….    T & Ss: Great!
9.review: numbers
课文: Do you hear the wolf?  Awolf?  I have a good idea.  It will be fun.
重、难点:hear  wolf   have a good idea   It will be fun.
1.review: animals (T: show cards)
2.纠音操练wolf hear the wolf hear the ___. Do you hear the wolf?
3.good idea.(幼一已学内容) I have a good idea.(best performer)
4.It will be fun.结合口语内容That will be fun.
1.胜利方派代表上台play ball,输入操练Let’s play ball. That will be fun. Get ready?
Go! One, two, three!Great!
Unit 4
口语How’s the weather today It’s sunny.
重、难点:It’s ____. (答句)
1.T通过各种图片输入sunny rainy cloudy windy snowy (配上相应动作)
2.纠音操练新单词 → fast reaction(老师可以根据学生的程度进行扩展)
3.T: askand show cards  Ss: answer
课文He rushes down to the village. Help! Help! The wolf’s coming!
重、难点:He rushes down to the village. The wolf’s coming.
1.village为已学内容,借助卡片理解He rushes down to the village.
2.纠音操练rushes rushes down rushes down to the village
3.help幼二已学内容Let me help you.不做重点
4.nSs-animals(戴头饰)  S: Knock!Knock!  T: Who is it?  It’s me, ___.
T: The ___ is coming. Ss: The ___ is coming.
1.擦雨点,输入操练How’s the weather today? It’s rainy. It’s cloudy. It’s sunny.
2.跑到村庄,输入操练He rushes down to the village.
Unit 5 口语Shall we goto the park? Good idea!
重、难点:shall we go to the ___?
1.shall已学内容,幼一What shall we do?
2.T: Shall we go to the KFC? Let’s go to the KFC?  Ss: Ok. / Good idea!(已学内容)
3.扩展其他地名zoo, supermarket…..
4.dragon   ask and answer
课文Don’t worry! Where is the wolf? Ha! Ha! You’re so silly.
No wolves here. Ha!Ha!Ha!
重、难点:You’re so silly. No wolves here.
1.Don’t worry.幼二已学内容,不做重点
2.review: Where is the cat? Where is Onon? Where is the ___?
3.game: Hide and seek
4.You’re so silly.(best performer)
5.nSs-animals  T: Where isthe ____?  Ss: Here I am.  T: No ___ here.
6.make sentences: No ____ here.
1.去公园,输入操练Shall we go to the park? Good idea!
Unit 6
口语How do we get there By bus.
重、难点:by bus  by bike  on foot…..
1.review: Where do you live? Ss: I live in ___.  T: How do weget there? By ___?
(bus/ bike/ plane/ ship….)  Ss: guess meaning
2.I say you do(给每个词组配上相应的动作,fast reaction) 老师可根据学生的接受
3.纠音操练bus by bus…..
4.T: ask    Ss: answer(结合地理知识)
课文Be goodOhwhat fun
重、难点:what fun
3.role play (the whole story)
1.移动位置,输入操练Where are we going? ____. How do we get there? By bus.a
Unit 7
口语Where are you going ? I’m going to the shop .
重、难点:I’m going to the ___.  shop
1.review: Shall we go to the park? Good idea! T: I’m going to thepark. How do we get there? By bus.
2.替换一些单词zoo  shop   supermarket…..
3.T: I’m going to the ____. Where are you going?  S: answer
4.在黑板上画一幅简单的地图,标注各个不同的地方(已学单词)T: Where are you going?  nSs: I’m going to the ____.
课文The next day. I want to play the trick again. Be good. It will befun.
重、难点:The next day.  Play thetrick again.
1.借助日历理解The next day.
2.纠音操练The next day.
3.I want to play the trick again.—I want to say “Help! Help! Thewolf’s coming” again.(情景表演)   Ss: guess meaning
4.trick play the trick play the trick again I want to play the trick again.
1.朝商店走,输入操练Where are you going? I’mgoing to the shop.
Unit 8
口语May I help you? I’ll have this book.
重、难点:I’ll have this ___.
1.情景设计,review: 已学知识,如水果之类
2.T-shop assistant  May Ihelp you? Do you want to have this ____? S: Yes./ No.
  Ss: guess meaning
3.纠音操练I’ll have this ___.根据学生掌握能力进行扩充(关于文具方面)
4.T: May I help you?  nS: I’llhave this ___.  T: Here you are.  nS: Thank you.
5.纠音操练:May I help you?
6.S: May I help you?  S: I’llhave this ____.
课文He rushes down to the village again. Help! Help! The wolf’scoming.
Where is the wolf?
2.role play
1.加文具,胜利方可派代表加文具,输入操练May I help you? I’ll have this ___.
口语:How much is it?  10Yuan.  I’ll take it.
重、难点:How much is it?    I’ll takeit.
1.1S-shop assistant   T-animal(rabbit / monkey ……)  S: May I help you?  T: I’ll
have this carrot/peach…   T: How much is it? (take out money) 1yuan? 2yuan?
S: answer  T: I’ll take it. (可通过情表进行too expensive的扩充)
3.纠音操练How much is it?    isit(game: make smooth reading)
  可让学生先掌握how much,因为在问句中会出现How much is it? How much
are they? 所以让学生先统一掌握How much?
4.扩充钱的说法(___ Yuan , ____ Jiao )
5.take it(注意连读) I’ll take it.
6.role play(情景设计让学生进行该单元口语的运用)
课文:You tricked us! Ha! Ha! You are so silly! No wolves here!
重、难点:You tricked us!
1.You play the trick.= You tricked us.   Ss: guess meaning
2.纠音操练You tricke us.
3.You are so silly! No wolves here!为已学内容,不做重点
1.买东西,输入操练How much is it? ___ Yuan. I’ll take it.
Unit 10
口语:Who’s that? That’s mygrandpa. He’s old. That’s my grandma. She’s kind.
重、难点:grandpa  grandma  old   kind
1.T: take out the photo (Look, a photo!  T & Ss: How nice!  T: Who’s that? He’s my
  father.  Who’s that? She’s my mother.   Who’sthat?  He’s my grandpa. My
  father’s father. Who’s that? She’s mygrandma. My father’s mother. Who’s that girl? It’s me. It’s Silver.)  Ss: guess meaning
2.纠音操练:father mother grandpa grandma(视学生能力考虑扩充的数量多少,
如aunt uncle cousin…..)可给每一个人物配上相应的动作,fast reaction.
chant: 爸爸爸爸father,妈妈妈妈mother,姐姐妹妹sister,哥哥弟弟brother,
song 1: father/mother, I love you!
song 2: (两只老虎曲调)
        I love grandpa, Ilove grandpa , he’s old, he’s old.
        I love grandma, Ilove grandma , she’s kind, she’s kind.
3.Look, myfather is tall. My mother is short. My grandpa is old. My grandma is kind.  Ss: guess meaning
4.正反意词操练old-young  kind-bad  tall-short  beautiful-ugly(可根据学生能力扩充其他形容词)
5.借助boy-girl的简笔画或者真人来操练和解释He / She的运用
6.让学生每人带相片过来,T-S(互相问答) →S-S(互相问答)
课文:You are not honest! We’ll never believe you! How exciting!
T: You are not honest.第二次,Peter摔破了花盆,当老师问他的时候,他撒谎
说是Mike摔破的,T: You are not honest.We’ll never believe you. Ss: guess
2.纠音操练honest not honest You are not honest.
  believe(分音节) believe you We’ll never believe you.
3.T: show cards (过山车/荡秋千…..输入How exciting!
5.make sentence    How ___!(How beautiful!  How nice!…..)
1.荡秋千,胜利方可加上一人坐秋千,输入操练How exciting.
Unit 11
口语:Look, that’s my uncle. He’s handsome. That’s my aunty. She’spretty.
重、难点:uncle  aunty  handsome pretty
1.review: Unit 10  songs andchant
2.借助相片输入uncle(father’s/mother’s brother)  aunty(father’s/mother’s sister)
3.handsome / pretty设计动作进行突破
4.handsome / pretty分音节进行操练
5.T: ask  Ss: answer
6.让学生每人带相片过来,T-S(互相问答) → S-S(互相问答)
课文:A few days later. Woo! Woo! A wolf really comes.
重、难点:A few days later.  Reallycomes
1.review: An hour later. I can move a little. (幼二内容)
2.借助日历,It was Monday. A few days later. It was Thursday.   Ss: guess meaning
3.纠音操练A few days later.
4.role play (1S-sheperd boy 1S-wolf  nSs-villagers  T: A wolf really comes.)
5.nSs-animals(不能看头饰,猜想动物,并学动物叫声,T: A ____ really comes. Yes
or No?   Ss: answer)
5.纠音操练really A wolf really comes.
6.Ss: make sentences   A ___really comes.
1.take a family photo.胜利方可在相框里加上家庭成员的相片,乘此机会还可以扩
Unit 12
口语:Is he your brother? Yes. He’s tall. Is she your sister? Yes. She’syoung.
重、难点:brother  sister  tall young
1.review: Unit 10 & Unit 11
2.由于在学习前面两个单元时都提到了brother sister,所以今天的新内容相当于
3.brother  sister(分音节进行操练)
4.tall-short   young-old(反义词成对操练理解)
5.T: He is your brother, yes or no? Is he your brother? S: answer (Yes. / No.)
课文:The wolf! What shall I do? Help! Help! The wolf’s coming!
重、难点:What shall I do?
1.review 幼一 That cat! What shall we do? (Ss: perform together role play)
2.roleplay 1S-wolf  T-shepherd boy输入The wolf! What shall I do? Help!Help! The wolf’s coming.
3.T: Whatshall I do?  T & Ss: What shall wedo?  Ss: guess meaning(领会区别)
1.狼追shepherd boy,失败一方的狼要前进一步,输入操练The wolf! What shall Ido? Help! Help! The wolf’s coming!
口语:What time is it?  Seven o’clock.Get up.  Five more minutes.  Hurry up!
重、难点:时间的表达方式Seven o’clock.  Fivemore minutes. Hurry up!
1.T:借助道具钟,输入What time is it?并引导学生进行整数时间的表达。
Review: 1-12   Ss: say numbers   T:补充o’clock
3.T: What time is it?   Ss:answer
4.get up-go to bed (fast reaction I say you do)
5.纠音操练get up
6.情景设计让学生理解five more minutes.借助道具钟,It’s seven o’clock, I want to sleep for five more minutes. Iwill get up at five past seven.
7.稍微扩充一下second  minute  hour (不做重点)
8.纠音操练minute more minutes ____ more minutes
9.hurry up可以作为教师课堂用语在不同场合使用
10.纠音操练hurry up
11.role play ,主要要求学生在当堂课掌握答句
课文:He cries out louder and louder. But nobody cares.
重、难点:He cries out louder and louder.  nobody
1.cry为已学内容(Don’t cry, try again.),理解上不做重点 cry cries cries out
2.T: perform,哭得越来越大声  Ss: guess meaning
3.纠音操练louder and louder cries out louder and louder
4.T: 通过表演让学生理解意思but nobody cares.
5.纠音操练nobody(分音节)care cares but nobody cares.
1.画音波,越来越大,操练输入He cries out louder and louder.
2.时钟的转动,T: What time is it?   Ss:___ o’clock.
口语: Pass me my sweater. Here you are. Pass me my slippers. Wait aminute.
重、难点:pass  sweater  slipper  Here you are.   Wait a minute.
1.借助卡片或者老师带实物让学生直观理解并学习sweater  slippers
2.纠音操练sweater  slippers(可稍微给学生讲一下两只鞋子,-s
3.T: review some nouns   T:What this?   Ss: answer
4.T: Pass me my ____.   nSs:act   Ss: guess meaning
5.纠音操练pass pass me my ____.
6. nSs: make sentences    T:act and say “Here you are!” or “Wait a minute.”
  Ss: guess meaning
7.纠音操练Here you are./ Wait a minute. (here , wait 都为已学内容)
8.role play (T-nSs   S-S)
课文Please, don’t eat my sheep! Ha! Ha! Ha!  It’s a real big meal!
重、难点:It’s a real big meal.
1.review some food
2.T: What do you like to eat? nSs: answer    T: OK! Eat! Eat! /No, Please don’t eat my ____. (apples…..)情表   Ss: guess meaning
3.纠音操练don’t eat my ____.
4.Ss-hold cards(food)   T: I’dlike to eat ____.  Ss: OK! Eat! Eat! /No, Please don’t eat my ____.
5.T: perform (eat)  Howmany?  T & Ss: count   T: It’s a real big meal.  Ss: guess meaning
6.纠音操练meal big meal real big meal It’s a real big meal.
7.role play (best performers)
1.吃东西,并且数数,输入操练It’s a real big meal.
2.T: Pass me my ____.   Ssass me my ____.(加相应的简笔画形象)输入操练Pass me my ___.
Unit 15
口语:Where is my hat?  It’s onthe chair.
重、难点:Where is my ___?  It’s onthe ____.
1.review: 幼一Where is the cat? 借助教具,将cat的头饰或手偶放在各个不同的物体上面,输入It’s on the ____.  Ss: guess meaning
2.Ss: sleep  T: hide somethings   Ss: wake up   T: Where is my ____?  Ss: look around   T: Yes. It’s on the ____.(带领学生一起说)   T: sb. Pass me my ____.
S: Here you are!
3.纠音on on the ___. (make sentences)
4.T: Where is ____?  Ss:answer (集体 个人)
5.根据学生情况考虑扩充其他介词,如:in, under等(可采用以上同类型方法)
课文:Somebody help! Please! Please! The wolf is eating my sheep!  I’mnot playing a trick!
重、难点:somebody   The wolf iseating my sheep!  I’m not playing atrick!
2.纠音操练somebody(分音节 some-body)
3.T: ask some Ss to act    T: Who is singing? / dancing……?  T& Ss: ____ is singing / dancing…..
4.配对review: animals & food (The ___ is eating my ___.) make sentences
5.trick为已学内容(You tricked us.) I’m not playing a trick.从意思上比较好理解
  纠音操练playing a trick I’m not playinga trick.
6.根据学生能力可考虑扩充I’m playing a trick. I’m doing …../ I’m not doing…..
1.加小人,输入操练,somebody help! Please! Please!
2.吃羊,输入操练The wolf is eating my sheep.
口语Happy new year!  You too!
重、难点:Happy new year!  You too!
2.借助日历,解释new year Happy new year! (可扩充其他节日,如:children’s day…..)
3.纠音操练happy new year
4.S: Happy new year!   T:You too! = Happy new year too!
5.纠音you too
6.role play
7.song <Happy new year!>
课文:Too late! Nobody believes a liar.
重、难点:late  liar
1.借助道具钟,review: What time is it? Ss: It’s 5 o’clock.  T: I get upat 5 o’clock.
  It’s early.    T: What time is it?   Ss: It’s 10 o’clock.  T: I get up at 10 o’clock.
  It’s late.
2.Ss: guess “liar”(You tricked us. We’ll never believe you. Youare a liar.)
3.nobody, believe都为已学内容,不做重点
4.trick game (Nobody believes a liar. / Nobody believe a liar.)
1.加烟花,输入操练Happy new year!


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